Fefifo is building a digital platform (DDFN) that uses a model-led approach to standardise farming procedures and digitalise farm management processes for contract farming. Fefifo enables existing smallholder farmers and young agri-graduates in South East Asia to start commercial smallholder farms in ready-to-farm modern farm spaces called Co-farms. These farms are like renting a pre-fitted office with managed farm services and guaranteed off-take.
DDFN is available to other contract farming businesses to help them manage and empower their farmer suppliers. DDFN is made up of a web portal which is used by the contract farming business, and a mobile app which is used by their farmer suppliers.
Capability and features
At the core of the DDFN system is a robust crop model. The DDFN crop models define agronomic parameters, crop cycle schedules, growing protocols, agri-input requirements, labour and other opex costs for each crop, using data to simulate how key factors interplay with each other and influence key operational outcomes, profitability and even the optimum pre-harvest loan. The crop models then form the basis for automating and standardising crop management and growing protocols for a distributed network of farmer suppliers. The Contract farming buyer can establish their own models or choose to adopt a crop models that Fefifo has already developed.
DDFN, via the mobile app turns the farmer suppliers’ entire seed-to-sale process into simple-to-use digital workflows which the contracting business can monitor:
Finally, digital workflows across harvest picking, sorting, packing and delivery enable real-time updates for managing harvest sales as a network for and clarity on cycle harvest profitability for both the famer suppliers and contracting businesses.
Progress to date
DDFN crop models have been built for chili, rockmelon, ginger, brinjal and lettuce. Fefifo has begun using DDFN with a small number of trial farmers in these crops.
DDFN is currently available to other contract farming businesses on a trial basis.
RT Analytics have created rtWork and rtHome; apps that can digitize anything with electronic forms, which substitute processes that farmers currently do with paper and pencils. Farmers can take images, videos, GPS coordinates, scan QR codes, search for inputs, etc.
While farmers can use the app free of charge, revenue is generated from agribusiness companies, who benefit from the data collected from smallholder farmers.
Capability and features
Farmers use a range of features, including the Farm E-diary, Cost Management, Hired Labors Management, Inventory Management, CRM and Messaging. These tools increase their productivity and revenues whilst also reducing costs.
Input Manufacturers benefit from clear information about their products and how to use instructions. rtWork tells the manufactures what products farmers are using and where their products are being forged.
NGOs use these tools to coordinate and support both Ag businesses and farmers, allowing them to strengthen value chains.
Progress to date
RT Analytics has worked with over 300 farmers to date, and are collaborating with CIAT Vietnam and AliSEA to implement pilot projects in Vietnam. Their apps are available for the web, iOS and Android.
MimosaTEK is a sustainable agricultural trading business connecting smallholder farmers and wholesales buyers, helping farmers increase revenues by up to 20% and wholesales buyers save costs by up to 10%. MimosaTEK vegetable cultivation areas are operated by data-driven farming practices powered by internet of things technology and machine learning. MimosaTEK’s Internet of Things (IoT) precision agriculture solution helps farmers maximize productivity and minimize crop production risks through better irrigation and farming practices. MimosaTEK provides technology for both agricultural companies and smallholder farmers.
Capability and features
MimosaTEK is working with farmers to develop vegetable cultivation areas to sell produce directly to wholesales buyers. MimosaTEK helps to improve productivity and quality of produce to help farmers increase income and wholesale buyers purchase produce at required specification at better price.
Farmers can apply the solution to optimize irrigation and fertigation activities on farms. This allows them to optimize water, electricity and fertilizer usage, achieve optimum crop yields and provide full traceability to their commercial partners.
Traders can use traceability data of farmers using the technology to manage the supply chain and to inform the end consumers.
Governments can sponsor technology for farmers, which improves their supply chain management and improves farming quality in their region. Governments can also make use of data from weather stations to help farmers in the region manage their crops more efficiently.
Progress to date
As of early 2022, over 873 farmers have been assisted so far and the team is currently working with more farmers to develop vegetable cultivation areas as well as apply agricultural technology and data-driven farming practice in their farms.
MimosaTEK was the first Vietnamese organization to win the Securing Water for Food Challenge 2017 organized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Government of South Africa (DST), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (MFA-NL). MimosaTEK was also the winner of Seedstars World Vietnam 2016 and Venture Cup Vietnam 2015.
Crabifier is a mobile application that identifies to species a juvenile mud crab by analyzing the shape of its carapace. It is useful of mud crab farmers and traders in detecting preferred species for grow out and validating the pricing of crablets for sale.
Capability and features
Crabifier helps farmers identify if captured or sold juveniles are of their preferred species. Crabifier can also be used by traders for species identification of juvenile mud crabs. Through the app, traders can be assured that they are providing the right species to the right farmer, and can also allow for better stratification of prices of different species.
Mud crab researchers can also use the app for the same reasons, but scientists can also benefit from the back-end processes and systems that allowed the development of Crabifier. Through a system that combines image analysis and molecular biology, researchers can find morphological markers to differentiate varieties, species, and developmental stages, and create an algorithm to automate the process. This democratizes the disciplines and allow for a more efficient and consistent method of identification for different purposes.
Progress to date
Crabifier has worked with five farmers and is set to be tested in the mud crabs farms of Cagayan, Bataan and Iloilo to showcase its current state of accuracy and mobility. Interested parties from local governments, trade schools and state universities have also signified their interest in learning about the technology.
A new project involving Crabifier seeks to democratize the use and development of such technologies through a training program that will teach members of local governments, state high schools and universities, and agriculture and aquaculture stakeholders that basic principles of DNA barcoding, image analysis and programming. This targets the creation of a national network knowledgeable in the use of the technique and involved in the discussions and movements towards the modernization of Philippine agriculture and aquaculture practices.
The Digital Farm Development Plan (FDP) is a diagnostic mobile tool that combines knowledge of agronomic practices with data on farm economics, and the needs and preferences of a smallholder cocoa farming family. The FDP is designed to map the entire farm area, and designate distinct polygons that are classified by their use (for example: planted with cocoa, unplanted, or personal use). It produces a seven-year investment plan for the farmer, with future Profit &Loss forecasts adjusted based on the inputs and activities farmers choose. If a farm household cannot afford a recommended investment (such as replanting trees, or applying fertilizer), the tool allows the farmer to set what they can afford and then recalibrates the P&L forecast and the plan itself. This participatory process increases farmers’ willingness to buy into the plan.
Capability and features
Farm coaches from private cocoa companies use the FDP to develop comprehensive profiles of farms and farmers. By using a digital tool and working with farmers interactively, customizing a long-term farm plan becomes manageable and possible.
Farmers use the tool’s seven-year profit and loss plan as a decision making tool for allocating limited resources. The plan shows the farmer a long-term P&L of the farm that includes investments and potential returns on a per plot basis.
Cocoa buyers extension service personnel use the tool to enhance their service deliver model,
Allowing them to coach / work with farmers more intensively to support farm investments coupled with specific interventions to boost productivity to 1.5 to 2 MT per hectare.
Progress to date
The FDP has assisted almost 2,000 farmers to date. The tool is being used in Indonesia, Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. Grameen is working with Rainforest Alliance under the SAT4Farming consortium to integrate geo-data from WaterWatch and Satelligence to add data points that will help validate and bring down the costs of monitoring risks and adherence to the plan. Grameen and Rainforest Alliance are gearing to set up a social enterprise that will deliver the digital tool and related services to organizations in the broader cocoa value chain on a commercial basis.
LuckNow is a SaaS solution that helps farmers improve their land management practices, through the use of IoT devices, artificial intelligence and connections to market partners. The system analyses data points such as sunlight levels, temperature, precipitation, pH, humidity, presence of pests or diseases, etc. Farmers are able to plan out their activities in line with best practices, and sensors in their fields help them make good decisions that boost their yields.
Capability and features
Farmers use LuckNow to select and track inputs, set harvest schedules and monitor results. Sensors help to detect issues and make recommendations, in order to increase their productivity. Farmers are better connected to input suppliers and market partners, improving their yields, prices received and therefore increasing their incomes.
Extension workers use LuckNow to assist farmers in monitoring farm conditions, as the sensors and cameras allow for early detection of issues. LuckNow shortens the time needed for agricultural education, automatic input information by recording the growing crop condition through IoT system.
Businesses are engaged via a subscription model. They use Lucknow to find and contact farmers spread across wide geographic areas by verifying their identity and proof of farm ownership. These businesses can benefit from better estimates of farm production, and use the data collected from each farmer.
Progress to date
LuckNow are currently establishing a presence in Java in partnership with the provincial government, and have been working with 30 farmers in Japan.
The team are currently developing a traceability system with NFC or RFID to track the produce from farm to end processor, for food safety and product certifications and supply chain management. They are also creating iPhone and Android phone interfaces to improve the system’s useability.
Farmapp is an integrated pest and disease management platform for crops. It combines information from different technological modules such as geo-referenced scouting and spraying apps, soil sensors, and weather stations. Once the information is processed and analysed, it is delivered back to the farmers via email, SMS, and access through the business intelligence platform. This information is used to plan biological controls, analyse and program the spraying of a particular product, monitor the incidence of pests and diseases, and automating greenhouses. The platform is mostly used for protected cropping (greenhouses) and is currently implemented in over 1,500 greenhouses around the world.
Capability and features
Farmers can simplify these processes through the easy to use mobile application. Recording data is easy and more efficient than using traditional methods such as paper, and farmers benefit from satellite maps, soil sensors and weather stations. Farmers can also track the routes and speed of movement of crop sprayers, in order to optimize the quantity of the product supplied and to control the application of agrochemicals and fertilizers in the field. This module significantly reduces the use of agrochemicals and fertilizers in the crop.
Input Retailers have access to real-time user metrics, giving them a better understand of customer needs and empowering them to sell more appropriate products.
Progress to date
Farmapp operates in three continents, with over 80 farms using Farmapp as part of their daily activities. Customers are currently experiencing 20% reductions in plant losses and savings 20% on labour costs.
Farmapp is developing a virtual 24/7 agronomist to support growers with weather, pest and disease management, as well as an interactive school programs that making use of technologies that students use on a daily basis.
The team are currently working on a new “Pesticides Free/Minimal Use Certificate” that will be used by companies, government and customers to get a unique and trusted source of truth about the provenance and practices used to produce the products. The platform allows Farmapp to generate real-time and secure reports that will transform the way people buy food at supermarkets.
Agreo offers farmers a real global management tool for their farm allowing them to plan, organize and supervise all of their productions. By opening the Cloud to farming applications, SMAG works with all stakeholders in the international farming community, deploying and integrating agronomic information systems to optimise the technical and economic steering of farm production.
Capability and features
Agreo is designed for a variety of agriculture-related professions, including suppliers, storage organisations, collectors, transformers, seeding specialists, agro-industrialists, breeders, viticulture and accounting associations.
These groups benefit from a responsive, competent and innovative partner, an expert in new web and management information system technologies, bringing innovative product offers that corresponds to their requirements and farming practices.
Farmers are able to control their productions, ensure the quality of their inputs, monitor their technical and economic results with ease.
Progress to date
Over 30,000 farmers use Agreo’s platform, as well as over 400 sector operators.
Michelin have chosen SMAG to develop a CSR web platform for their natural rubber supply chain.
The agriculture industry often faces issues with lack of transparency, management, labour problems etc. Drones for Agriculture are using aerial analytics and automation to solve key issues. First, drones are used to quickly map a large area of a plantation, then proprietary algorithms are used to analyse the crops for health. Finally, autonomous spraying drones perform targeted spraying on affected areas. Plantation owners also have a copy of the land map for management purposes to streamline operations.
Capability and features
Poladrone’s proprietary algorithms allow users to quickly and accurately derive useful information from images captured, such as accurate oil palm count, categorisation, health, roads, infrastructure, rivers, etc. These algorithms help to streamline the analytics process which is traditionally a very manual process.
Poladrone has its own agriculture spraying drone locally in Malaysia, allowing them to provide superior after sales services and support to our customers.
Progress to date
To date, Poladrone have mapped over 150,000 acres of plantations, won Echelon Asia 2017 and have been appointed as DJI Enterprise and Sentera dealers.
Poladrone have a partnership with Microsoft, co-develop AI solutions with their engineering team, as well as a R&D partnership with University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia’s largest and only university dedicated towards agriculture.
The team are currently build a spraying drone which is able to perform targeted spraying automatically on oil palm.
SIPINDO is an application that solves a wide range of common smallholder farmer challenges, helping them increase their incomes through shared information about their crop performance to supply chain actors from upstream to downstream. The application is used by farmers, buyer – consumer and agriculture practitioners and also support ±150 field officers of EWINDO, giving everyone access to fast, efficient solutions to agronomic challenges.
Buyers use SIPINDO’s search functionality to find and contact farmers directly, which increasesmarket volumes of farmer products and benefits both parties.
Capability and features
SIPINDO’s application allows smallholder farmers to directly contact their colleagues in other regions, research prices and trends in demand for commodities on the market, find procedures for handling pests and diseases, discover cropping patterns and estimated harvest time.
The platform helps farmersestimate their production, as well as selling harvests directly to buyers, avoiding the price games of middlemen.
Farmers can also find out the level of soil fertility to be more efficient in using fertilizer in their specific location while apps also supporting climate data trend for assisting farmers on weather forecast.
Progress to date
To date, SIPINDO has worked with over 20,000 farmers, and has collaborated with PRISMA, Netherlands Space Office (NSO), ICCO Cooperation, Bogor Agriculture University, University of Twentee (UT-ITC), Nelen & Schuurmans, and AKVO.
The platform will soon feature more accurate daily weather forecasts, irrigation advice, advanced pest and disease (chemical and non-chemical management option), enabling farmers to maximise their yields and incomes.
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